Friday, June 16, 2017
THE THRUHIKE JOURNAL: Days 9 and 10 (Mantalongon to Buot)
NINE ::::: I WOKE UP TO A FIERY SUNRISE from the vantage of the upper
level of the village hall that we stayed in last night. Jonathaniel
Apurado was already up and he has regained his strength from the
struggles of the early days of the Thruhike. He has adjusted to the
rigors of the hike under adverse conditions as well as to the load he
is carrying. I had begun to call him Doc Jon after he treated my
feet blisters last night and, likely so, for today – January 25,
Eight was a longer day than the one before that and the comfort and
rest we got here at Mantalongon, Barili was good enough to stave off
the fatigue that went with it and revitalized our mood and enthusiasm
for today. A breakfast of Knorr soup and rice tells me otherwise.
The blisters on my toes are dressed up after the meal and the feet is
housed in another pair of clean socks. In the old days, I used to
encounter blisters on the insides of my thighs but I am wiser now. I
wear elastic undershorts now and “de-salinize” it every night if
I ever wear it for three straight days. Then I changed into a clean
pair like today.
with us today would be Willy Muit, the village councilor whom we met
yesterday who was on the lookout of us. He would accompany us up to
the boundary between Barili and Carcar City. Joining him is his
fellow councilor, Jun Mag-usara, and a local peace officer, Glen
Paras. Willy and Jun were in athletic attire. They walked fast by
the time we hit the road at 08:10, nonchalant about the heavy bags we
carried. We have to keep pace with them on the paved road. I sent a
text message in advance to the Carcar City Police Station informing
them of our presence, for very soon we would again be in their area.
arrive at the boundary of Guadalupe, Carcar City but Willy and Jun
enjoyed the morning exercise that it extended all the way to a place
called Tapal, located in Valencia, Carcar City. By then, at 09:00,
we are on our own. I walk by memory as the hike on nice paved roads
begets nothing from me but uneasiness. It just does not fit being
called a trail as in the Cebu Highlands Trail although it was a trail
long ago. The weather is strangely warm with few clouds to shade us.
We are now primed up by the swift pace we had with the village
councilors early in the day that maintaining it was the best thing to
do for, by 10:30, we are now at Buenavista, Carcar City.
took our second rest here and doused the parched thirst with cold
bottles of RC Cola. Our rests are also opportunities to talk with
the locals and it helped to our cause. Their familiarity of their
places are so valuable. Nevertheless, we have to proceed as the day
is still long and our next night stopover would be quite far. I
reviewed my itinerary and it says: Noonbreak at Buenavista,
Carcar. Campsite at Tubod, San Fernando. It
seems we arrived too early to enjoy a noonbreak at Buenavista. I
would again tamper my itinerary and find a good place ahead for that
well-deserved break.
arrive at Calidngan, Carcar City at 11:30 but I saw a good shady area
with a big log to sit upon. Nearby is a well where women wash
clothes. It is a cool oasis under the brunt of a noontime sun. We
took our Spartan lunch of four pieces Park N Go bread, a Fitbar and
my trail mix of coated chocolates, different nuts, marshmallows and
dried raisins. Popped in afterward a Herbalife Natural Raw Guarana
capsule to keep me from drowsing. I have to wait the one hour to
pass before we proceed to the next.
road that we had been walking on once we left the concreted ones are
a combination of asphalt and unpaved. The Jack Wolfskin shoes
provided by Niño Paul Beriales worked very well in different
conditions. It is very light and it dries quickly. After eight days
of walking it had been properly broken but not after bruising my feet
with a blister each. I am aware of that and it is properly dressed
up. Once we reach the next night stopover, I would have it washed
again by Doc Jon and smeared with calamine ointment.
warmth is beginning to be felt. Moments like this gives a calm sea
to a fisherman. I am shielding my face and head with a camouflaged
sniper’s veil. I find the veil too versatile for a mere hat and I
look good with it on photos. The dark sunglasses provided by Zue
Fashion worked well on very glaring moments and protected my eyes
from UV rays. The road goes up again and we saw once again two men
carrying big cabinets on their backs whom we met yesterday at Bae,
Sibonga. After a brief happy conversation, we passed by a beautiful
rice field in a hidden valley. We are now entering the mountain
boundary of Balungag, San Fernando. It is 13:12.
crossed a spillway where a herd of swamp buffaloes are cooling on a
water hole. I sent another text message for the San Fernando Police
Station about our presence. Up ahead is a rustic view of a rough
road with coconut palms lining it reminiscent of an old photo of Cebu
I had seen that was taken in the 1930s. I am beginning to like it
even though it is utterly warm. Nobody is in sight and that is
better. Locals usually stay in their houses at this hour glued to
their AM transistor radio listening to a popular drama series called
Handumanan sa Usa ka Awit. Those that were not, are alarmed
at our presence. Either they would ask us what are we selling or we
get just get a hard stare.
I saw a small chapel, I hastened my pace. I thought I am in Tubod,
San Fernando this early at 13:30 and it would be a bonus for me since
I could do a courtesy call and a long rest after that but I was
wrong. I was still in Balungag. Nevertheless, we stopped to join a
couple of locals enjoying an early afternoon recreation of drinking
palm wine in a cool and shady part. We bought a jug of “tuba”
for ourselves from Teresito Tangente and began to talk about a local
work blade that he owns. It is called a “butetehon”
and is made by a local blacksmith named Fredo Yangyang.
sitting for 15 minutes, we decide to retrace our route and proceed to
Tubod which we reach at 14:30. I do not like the reception I got
today. I have bad memories of this place. It happened during the
Segment II Exploration Hike in March 2012. There are still places
here in Cebu which do not welcome outsiders as much as you would like
them to embrace openness. When I made my itinerary, I cannot find a
better place to stay during Day Nine except in Tubod. It has a good
water source and has nice places to set up a campsite. It had also
become familiar with me.
was hoping that my meeting with municipal tourism officers in early
January would enlighten people of our presence on the places where we
would pass or stay. There was a breakdown of communication
somewhere. My constant updates to the different stations were done
to protect us, first and foremost, and to remove any suspicions of
our presence. Of course, how could two people who walked for nine
days across mountains and burdened by heavy loads and blistered feet
threaten the peace and order situation of communities? It is like
seeing the banana eating the monkey.
have to change my itinerary pronto. I will go further along the
route to look for that safe refuge. We left Tubod and follow the
trail that I loved to call as the “Carabao Highway”, which would
lead me to the boundary road of Pinamungahan and San Fernando. We
arrive at the road at 15:30 and properly dished out a text message
for the Pinamungahan Police Station. In the waning hours of the day,
we doubled our pace down the trail to Sibago, Pinamungahan, churning
kilometer after kilometer bound for Lamac, Pinamugahan. We reach it
at exactly 17:45 but found the village hall already closed.
dusk we walk up a steep road where the Hidden Valley Mountain Resort
is located. I have cash prepared for any unforeseen event, thanks to
my donors. We booked a room after a wait of a half hour. The
facility has free WIFI and I enjoyed the liberty of updating our hike
to friends, sponsors and followers. We have airconditioning but we
toned it down to fan. We cook our food inside and eat a silent
dinner. The stress was great for this day. This has got to be the
longest day. I have not mentioned that I have developed blisters on
both my shoulders when we were approaching San Fernando.
blisters on both of my big toes are throbbing with pain as the old
dressings are removed. It is smeared with calamine ointment. My
shoulders are treated. On a soft warm bed, I wrote the day’s
activity on my journal, as I had done in all the days, recording the
times I sent messages to the police stations in every municipality we
passed by. Same with the weather and places we stopped to rest which
I sent to the base support team. I am tempted to take a bath but I
saved it for tomorrow. The room starts to feel warm and Doc Jon
flipped it forward to Low Cool. An early rest on a soft bed is the
most sensible thing to do.
Walked: 25.43 kilometers
Gained: 293 meters and a low of 57 meters
TEN ::::: I TOOK A BATH FOR ONLY the second time on this southern leg
of the Thruhike. I am fresh but sooner or later I would smell again
like hell and get sweaty. I do not care. This IS the Thruhike!
There is not much I can do for that but give a big smile and a wide
berth. We checked out at 08:00 from the Hidden Valley Mountain
Resort after a different breakfast of Japanese miso soup and rice.
As every after breakfasts, capsules of multivitamins and Herbalife
raw guarana extract are swallowed along with Yakult cultured milk.
My blistered feet are swelling and I decide to have it covered with
small adhesive plasters. It goes its painful cycle of healing.
leave Lamac, Pinamungahan at 08:25 with heavy burdens and thinner
pockets. The road took us higher and higher and on some stretches of
scenic views until we were on the boundary of Bunga, Toledo City. We
passed by Lake Poog and then the bigger Lake Bunga which is drained
of water to accommodate rice farms. I stop by at 10:15 to see how
Antonio Vergara is doing and to shoot a text message to the Toledo
City Police Station. He was my guide on the Segment II Exploration
Hike which we start from Lutopan, Toledo City to Mantalongon, Barili
that ended at Mantayupan Falls, Barili in March 2012.
learned that he suffered a mild stroke which made him slightly
incapacitated. We decide to part to him our unused powdered turmeric
tea and, for his grandchildren, baked products from Park N Go
Bakeshop. He seems healthy than the last time I saw him. He is
ecstatic to know that he had contributed something so grand like
the Cebu Highlands Trail where it is realized now with this Thruhike.
I would have loved to stay for the whole day to talk of the old days
but time is too precious to me right now because of this piece of
paper called the “itinerary”.
arrive at the national highway that linked Toledo City with Naga
City, cross it, and we are now at Don Andres Soriano, Toledo City,
which was known formerly as Lutopan. It is very warm. Maybe because
we are walking on concrete pavements or maybe that there are no trees
to shade us on our late morning walk. Our food plan for this day is
lunch with real food and we got it at exactly 12:00 from a stall
vending food on the village plaza near a big gymnasium. The
progressive village and the city of Toledo derived its income and its
progress from a big copper mine operating here.
a rest from the overwhelming warmth of a noontime sun, we proceed at
13:00 for Cantabaco, Toledo City and took rest at Lower Camp 8,
Toledo City at 14:30. An old woman, who says she lived alone at
Upper Camp 8, stopped by to ask us of what we are doing here? She
must have been curious about our attractive CHT jerseys and our big
bags. When she asked us for food, we were happy to part her our
coins worth around 45 pesos. It brought her a big smile since she
had not have a meal this day but she has to walk many kilometers to
buy food at Lutopan and back to her home.
am sad at the old woman. Life is hard when you are living alone and
frail. After 20 minutes of rest, we proceed to Camp 7, Minglanilla
and arrived there at 15:30 where I dished out a text message to their
police station to let them know of our presence. We were now in a
man-made forest when a group of young people came running after us.
They surmised that we were the ones on a Thruhike and they have
guessed well. Our CHT jerseys and backpacks were a dead giveaway and
so were our smell. They are the young bureaucrats called the “Eco
Warriors”, which is the pride and joy of Boboi Costas of the Cebu
Provincial Tourism Office.
presence in Camp 7 were to study the flora and fauna here and it was
just a coincidence that our paths crossed. A young woman did an
impromptu interview of me while a male colleague of hers took a
video. After that, all five of them had their photos taken together
with me and Doc Jon. A motorcycle rider with full-faced helmet
happened to pass by as we were posing before the camera and I had a
reunion of sort with a classmate, Noe Rondina, whom I have not seen
for some 20 years. Such coincidences glued our feet on one place
while the minutes ticked by. I have to break from this impasse but,
as all good things that went well, it flowed through its course
arrived at the tri-boundary of Minglanilla, Talisay City and Cebu City
and I had a cold Sparkle to douse the thirst caused by heat and
stress and promptly sent off text messages to Cebu City’s tourism
officer, Punky Oliverio, and its police headquarters. It is now
16:00 and too few daylight and government hours to make it to Buot,
Cebu City. The paved road going there is on rolling terrain but,
once we reach a place called Odlom, it would all be downhill and
partly paved, which would help to our cause. Our pace hastened and
it increased when it goes downhill on that almost abandoned road.
road is cut off by a brisk creek but, once we are on the other side,
the funny looking road beside the Bonbon River just tossed us later
to the doorstep of their barangay hall. It is 17:55, almost an hour
beyond official government hours but their office is still open. I
half-believed we were expected but the staff has to go about the full
details like counter checks, confirmations and several phone calls.
I am supposed to be in home territory but I seemed to be the one
speaking a different language. Or maybe them. I am tired and rest
could wait until the green light glowed, which it did after almost an
thought I would finally see another banana eating the monkey but it
was just a thought. It went well and we were assigned a room in the
third level, with bathroom and running water. I would have loved to
take a bath but, what the heck, tomorrow would be the last day of the
Thruhike’s southern leg. The Thruhike will enjoy a temporary
stopover once it reaches Guadalupe, Cebu City and we will also enjoy
that two days rest promised to us by the itinerary. The room is wide
but we preferred to sleep on the floor with our sleep pads.
Jon cooked spicy Korean noodles while I made myself busy stirring an
Extra Joss energy drink and catching faint cellular signals for my
regular real-time uploads. Two policemen from the Mabolo Police
Station arrived shortly to provide security for us. Mabolo is far
away yet these cops travelled swiftly at short notice to fulfill
their beat. This is unprecedented. I have not had experienced this
special attention during the exploration hikes. We were simply left
to our own wits then, even accosted when we were erroneously and
maliciously reported as “armed and dangerous”.
both the Cebu Provincial Police Office and the Cebu City Police
Office, under their respective commanders, Sr. Supt. Eric Noble and
Sr. Supt. Joel Doria, are serious in their commitment of ensuring our
safety and the Thruhike’s success. They sent their people to check
on us and that is good. I appreciate it very much. It gave us peace
of mind and the legitimacy of our undertaking. I wished these good
officers success and may they reach their respective stars in a
shorter time than usual.
failed in my photo uploads but I was able to sent text messages to my
wife and my base support team. It seemed like a big burden have been
taken off me, knowing that we are just a day away to reach the mid
point of the Thruhike. We had been hiking for ten days straight and,
by a stroke of fortune, we did not encounter difficulties, accidents
and anything that might delay us. My plan worked so well even if I
have to vulgarize my itinerary. Even when I suffered blisters on my
big toes and on my shoulders. This is the first Thruhike of Cebu on
a route that I have painstakingly explored for more than five years
that became the Cebu Highlands Trail.
touch the image of the Señor Santo Niño and made the sign of the
cross as a sign of respect. The whole of Cebu honors the Holy Child
Jesus every third Sunday of January and every able-bodied Roman
Catholic goes on a pilgrimage to the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño
to pay homage and ask blessings. I was not there. The preparations
of the Thruhike had taken every attention of me and it is most
intense when there were just a few days left. That was the time when
my sponsors shared their graces for this Thruhike. He understands
and I am in good hands.
Walked: 24.95 kilometers
Gained: 507 meters and a low of 101 meters
done in LibreOffice 5.2 Writer
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Labels: Barili, Carcar City, Cebu, Cebu City, Cebu Highlands Trail, journal, Minglanilla, Pinamungahan, San Fernando, thruhike, Toledo City
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1 comment:
Hey :) Great blog with interesting articles. :) Keep up the great work! Greetings, Meike
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