Thursday, March 25, 2021


WISDOM TRAILS: People who harbor deep gratitude to you, remember you in their prayers always. Do good every turn. Give what is due them. 

First seen in Facebook

January 9, 2018

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GOOD HUMAN RELATIONS IS the bedrock of a good community. Good old values are still relevant in this new millennium despite the new values and behavior brought on by new technology. There is a clash really of both and it is up to us to steer the newer generation to the one that is quite superior and morally right. 

One of this very endearing value is appreciation. Appreciation has several cousins and bear many sons and daughters. You find many of its kind in a thesaurus. Appreciation is a gesture of acceptance and the gratitude of the spirit. Without appreciation, life is gray and boring. Appreciation is a powerful stimulant for those who do goodness in this world all the time.  

I appreciate people for their deeds and their virtues. The more you appreciate people the more it improved the morale and esteem of the person where it creates a better and very conducive environment. But appreciation, as in all good values, is a two-way street. You gave some and some comes back to you. 

I was just quite fortunate that I have friends who showed their appreciation on me in a simple ceremony on the third day of the Philippine Independence Bushcraft Camp last June 12, 2015. They gifted me a certificate and a token: a mother-of-pearl Native American likeness attached to a small wooden pedestal, complete with a functioning miniature tomahawk pipe.   

This gesture was very symbolic since I used a representation of a Native American – the “Chief”, actually my lineage; as my logo of an outdoor organization that I have established on January 24, 2010; the same organization which my friends belonged: the Camp Red Bushcraft and Survival Guild, or simply known as the Guild.


The people who took the previous and future PIBC and its related training became the nucleus of the Guild. This sense of belongingness with a unique organization; the pride of being; creates a strong impression on their esteem as if it is a badge of honor; which indeed it is; for the Guild has no peers, humble aside. 

They greatly appreciated their being there and we now have a very healthy community who looked after each other and gave each what is due them like appreciation in the form of friendship and camaraderie and the privilege of a special gift. The Guild I established seemed to not run out of it. We have a very dynamic community. 

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WARRIOR PILGRIMAGE BLOG, personified by this writer, is synonymous with the Outdoors, since Bushcraft and Survival is its niche. Safety and Security are its bedrock when it ventured into organizing outdoor events that involved people as in adventure/pilgrimage guideships and seminars; and explorations and expeditions.


Through tutorship, experience, folk knowledge and good old common sense, this writer was able to collect useful information which he is currently documenting in a book titled, ETHICAL BUSHCRAFT. He shares some of this information and knowledge in his training sessions; in his social-media account; and in this blog.

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