Wednesday, July 15, 2015
THE COURSE OF MY outdoor activities, it cannot be denied that people
would ask and wish they could join me. I am very gracious when it
comes to that but I cannot accommodate all since I find most of my
weekend time focused on the development of the Camp Red Bushcraft and
Survival Guild. Another reason is that I am a bit choosy now of the
kind of people I welcome.
would be very happy to bring people to the seldom-known places that I
frequent but, at the same time, I have second thoughts. The main
cause for that is these people I bring are bound to abuse this
privilege. I would always assume that everyone understood fully
about the Leave No Trace principles, especially those that professed
to be “mountaineers”, but, on the contrary, they use their “new
discovery” as an opportunity to promote themselves and gain a
profit from the very people they invite. The more people coming, the
better the profit, is it not?
The more people coming, the more you get to disturb these pristine
places and the higher the chances of accidents. People would only
follow LNT when somebody is watching and when there is a profit to
gain they do not care. That is why I found LNT amusing and
cumbersome since the very people who are supposed to promote it, even
to the extent of quarrelling and threatening other people over it,
are the ones who are likely bound to discard it.
is taken advantaged of by the outdoors-gear industry and the people
that thrive in it like travel agencies and income-driven individuals
that they used the logo as part of their corporate symbol and a tool
to gain profits. I do not follow LNT because I found it shameful to
be associated with these people but I respect its intent and I
believe it will give the uninitiated the proper knowledge and
guidance when in the outdoors and on their everyday life.
me remind all that you cannot, and never could, impose LNT on
everyone and that includes me. If you think it is a rule, suit
yourself, for you are only exposing your ignorance and naivete. Do
not worry. For the many times that I have been invited in a
mainstream activity, I would always show courtesy to the crowd and
blend in with the activity as if I know my LNT well. That is
flexibility for you. I hope you have it also.
the other hand, I would always inform people that had been fortunate
enough to tag along with me about my methods else they might find it
revolting. I do not want to give an impression that what I do is
conventional and ordinary like everyone is doing. When you are with
me, you will act like real outdoorsmen. You will appreciate silence
and nature to the very core. You will learn a lot aside from doing
all your “jump shots”.
is what is happening today, November 30, 2014, when I answered a
request by four guys who worked in a business process outsourcing
company to join me. They name their informal group as Takoy Outdoor
Club and one member looks familiar. He looks like my eldest son.
Anyway, I demand that we should leave by 06:30, which we did. I
place great emphasis on punctuality from hereon and I do not want
somebody derailing my itinerary again.
hit the trail once I gave them an on-site briefing at Napo. Our
route is the “Rosary Loop” which consists of the Napo Main Trail,
Manggapares Trail, Liboron Trail, Babag Ridge Trail and the East
Ridge Pass. It had been raining for the past two days and two nights
and the ground is wet and muddy. Today, it had not, although, I
expect heavy rains caused by an approaching weather disturbance.
parallel to our activity is a patented dirt time by members of Camp
Red. They will be passing the same Manggapares Trail later.
However, they would start at 10:00. I found the trail undisturbed
yet by footprints made by yuppies. The sky is gloomy with a high
chance of precipitation. I inform everyone the proper name of the
river below the trail. It is important that correct names of places
be known to everyone so you would not look stupid by giving it
another name in Facebook which a lot of people unintentionally do.
reach the trailhead to Tagaytay Ridge at 07:10. I told everyone that
we are too fast. We may suffer for that when the terrain becomes
steep since we did not stretch our muscles prior to walking. It
could be muscle cramps, overfatigue or loss of body heat. It is
important that they know this. Now they understand why you have to
control your pace. The path to Manggapares is thick with weeds and I
regret I did not open carry my AJF Gahum heavy-duty knife yet.
is 07:30 when we we arrive at the first steel pylon. I take the time
of rest by retrieving the AJF Gahum from my Silangan Predator Z
tri-zip sack. I talk about the history of this trail and how I
re-discovered it. I could see the adrenaline of the four beginning
to show for the reason that they had been yearning to explore for
themselves of this place which they only heard as the “Six Towers
Trail”. They are now on the threshold of it and they will not
regret their luck today for they will see and learn more.
to the second tower, I show them an edible snail. This is a snail
that lives on trees and it is abundant here. We push on down to a
saddle, cleared some vegetation with the knife, and up again until we
arrive at 07:50. The guys are exhausted but desiring for more. We
did not tarry and proceed to the third one, which we reach at 08:00.
Along the way, I showed them fruit trees which are free for picking
like I did with a pomelo (Sp. Hystrix grandis). The view from up
here is just too stunning for the four. They are now smiling.
begin to appreciate the beautiful trail that lead to the fourth
tower. We reach it at 08:15 and I inform them that we are now
walking on a dirt road. They are confused since they only see a
trail but, up ahead, they saw an abandoned payloader. They are now
beginning to make sense in everything I talked about. The fifth
pylon is easy to reach and we got underneath it at 08:25. They are
now staring at the sixth.
shift to another trail and the sixth power pylon faded from view. I
am onto a path that is very difficult as it is very challenging which
make passage of the sixth tower unnecessary. This is the Liboron
Trail and it had returned to a condition when I first walked here.
Rains caused the softening of the ground and my footing slip time and
time again despite my effort not to ruin the path. It was for this
reason that I insist that everybody should wear shoes.
point to the place where I fell six meters and everyone are now very
careful. After that very tiring walk, we rest at a saddle and
enjoying the chance to drink water. I teach them water discipline
since they swallow a lot of water. When we think it is alright to
proceed, we shoulder our bags and walk up a hill. I tell them the
story of my encounter with a grass owl as we pass by a field of cogon
go down into another saddle where bamboo poles fell during the recent
typhoon called “Queenie” and blocked the path. I crawled
underneath and the rest followed. A barbed-wire fence is another
obstacle that we have to go over. Fortunately, a path had been
cleared between it and another grove of spiny bamboo. I pass by
between it but I advised the rest to watch out for the spines which
might catch their eyes.
walk on, crossing a small brook and climb another hill where the
Caburnay homestead is located. Barking dogs greeted our arrival as
Julian Caburnay welcomed me and my companions. I showed the guys the
water source and I begin to boil water for coffee with a butane
stove. Leaving that, I went out of the homestead to gather dry
firewood and kindling. It is hard to find dry wood but I am able to
bring back partly-moist small branches, old banana leaves and
cloth-like coconut fibers called “guinit”.
drink my share of the coffee. I found a cord from my bag and begin
to make a tripod where the cook pot will be hanged over a fire. Once
done, I cut a whole leaf from a giant taro and laid it on the wet
ground. I break the small branches and arrange it over the leaf.
With my William Rodgers Bushcraft knife, I shave some wood and made
several feather sticks. I remove bark from the bigger wood and split
it so it could air out moisture.
crumple the guinit and the leaves into a tight bunch and rub
it with my hands until it begins to break in small pieces as friction
warmed it a bit. I place the kindling above the fire nest. I
retrieve a black hair-like kindling from my fire kit and place it
underneath the nest. I struck a single match and the material caught
the flame and it spread rapidly. Thick smoke begins to show from the
coconut-and-banana material as heat begins to wick it of moisture.
watched of how I prepared the fireplace in such a different way from
what they had known; of the careful way of how I made the firewood
and the kindling ready prior to the introduction of fire. When
fingers of flame begins to consume the smaller wood, I place more
twigs over it and I start to measure rice into a pot and then pour
water. I hang the pot over the fire, adjusting the tripod so the
bottom of the pot touches the fire. They watch and feed the fire
while I get busy with the pork meat.
gave us ripe bananas to munch on. It is organically grown and it is
very sweet. Meanwhile, the guys look over the dragonfruit plant and
the different ornamental plants that Julian had been growing here.
The sky remained gloomy and it is our lucky day that it had not
rained. When the rice got cooked, I hanged another pot over the
fire. I pour cooking oil then saute crushed garlic and sliced
onions. Later, I added sliced green pepper to the fray and finally
the meat. I pour soy sauce and waited for it to boil.
we were in the middle of the cooking, a lone hawk whistled. It
circled above us. We continue our cooking when it disappeared from
view. I let one of the guys improve the taste with just salt and
then I add basil to enhance aroma. Now, time to enjoy that
well-deserved meal served hot in a real boodle-fight location. The
food was wiped out clean from the banana leaves and just a few
morsels for the dog. However, I made it sure that Julian has a fair
share, including uncooked rice and canned goods I brought specially
for him.
saying goodbye to Julian, I show the guys how a basil herb looks
like. Beside the basil, is a miniature guava tree with small fruits.
They were just amazed at these discoveries and hoped to come back
again. I brief them again of the remainder of our journey. We walk
up to a ridge and the guys gets a good view of the wide landscape
again. The trail now is thick with vegetation so I let the knife
work – again.
fell during the typhoon and it littered the trail as well. It is
hard work but I love it. The knife cuts efficiently and, when there
is nothing to cut, I return it to the sheath; then I start again and
again until I reach the Babag Ridge Trail. I let them know that this
is an old trail that I had used as training ground in the early ‘90s.
It is a trail I lose track of when I laid low from climbing
mountains and re-discovered it just more than a year ago.
were all amazed at the wrist-thick rattan trunks that cross the
trail. I also let them know that this trail is frequently used by
off-road Enduro riders on weekends. Up ahead the trail would be
fenced and we would make a long detour. Property owners had blocked
access to motorcycles but these had not stopped. Some trees had
fell, blocking the path, but we manage to go over it. I scan the
upper part of the forest to see if there are hazards above.
pass by the place where there is a cave. The path going there had
been destroyed by the typhoon and we were not able to climb up to
that higher ridge. So, I just told them that it was used by the
Japanese as a defensive camp during World War II. We walk on and
pass by a tunnel entrance that was blocked by logs. I told them that
this is just one of many that the Japanese had constructed. I
pointed to them the place that I referred to as the “last wild
place”. I pick up a broken branch and remove Spanish moss. Future
stop at a saddle and, there, the guys fell in love with the view of
the Bonbon River Valley. This vantage do mesmerize a lot of people
for it expands their adventurous spirits when gazing at the far
wide-open spaces. One of them asked if I leave trailsigns. Good
timing of question. I do not frequently leave signs unless it is for
a last resort. I showed them my only trailsign on this whole route
which, coincidentally, is located just a few meters away.
route passed by along fences down into a dry brook and up into a
different ridge, crossing it, down into a saddle and up to the Babag
Ridge. Winded, we rest on a bench. A dirt road leads to the “tower
area” where the highest peak- Mount Babag (752 meters) – is
located. There is a trail going down - the East Ridge Pass - which
lead to the Roble homestead, which we reach at 14:00. The guys are
happy to get a respite from that downhill knee killer
drinking green coconut water, the guys climbed the tree house and
took rest there while I take time to talk with Fele and Tonia Roble.
The children Manwel, Juliet and Josel are here too. They cook wild
sweet potato for me and I munch on it. I will bring some for home
and this is the kind that my wife loves best. We leave the Roble
family at 15:00 for Sapangdaku Creek. We reach the stream and walk
back to Napo. I notice six sets of shoe prints, to include a female,
and it had already disintegrated due to contamination of other
footprints made by locals.
ride motorcycles-for-hire at Napo for Guadalupe. We transfer to the
new watering hole, the Bikeyard Cafe. It is still 16:00. We had
walked fast and one of my knees suffered. It is numb. But we are on
safe ground now with plenty of cold bottles of beer on a bucket full
of ice to curb dehydration. I just taught real-world education to
these guys which they cannot find in LNT-laced activities.
done in LibreOffice 3.3 Writer
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Labels: Babag Ridge Trail, Cebu City, Manggapares Trail, Mount Babag, Tagaytay Trail, training
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